Francesco Roberto Dani was born in Italy on 1993. He obtained a Master degree in Electronic Music at Conservatory of Music "C. Pollini" of Padua (IT), and worked as research collaborator for the Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) at Polytechnic University of Milan (IT) in the field of automatic prosody recognition. His performances/installations were performed in various concerts and conferences, including International Computer Music Conference 2016 (NL), Colloqui di Informatica Musicale 2016/2018 (IT) and Sound and Music Computing Conference 2018 (CY), 2019 (ES) and 2023 (SWE). He teached electronic circuitry and data mining for data sonification at SAE Institute of Milan (IT), and Sound Design for Movies at Libera Accademia delle Belle Arti (LABA) di Rovereto (IT). Currently he works as scientific collaborator at Servizio di Informatica Forense (DTI-SIF) of Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) in Lugano (CH), working on Speech Analysis and Processing, NLP, and AI. His main fields of interest are real-time audio processing and electroacoustic installations.